Blood Drive
K of C Pancake Breakfast
Share your Power and donate blood to save a life. Sunday, March 2, 2025 from 8:00am to 12:30pm, sponsored by Knights of Columbus Council 13018 at St Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church, 1000 Ocean Shore Blvd, Ormond Beach, FL. The OneBlood Big Red Bus will be on site to accept your blood donation. OneBlood offers a free gift, and a $20 eGift card in addition to a complimentary wellness checkup including blood pressure, temperature, iron count, pulse and cholesterol screening. All donors receive a free pass to the Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast in the social hall to enjoy scrambled eggs, sausage and all the pancakes you can eat, along with coffee and orange juice. Breakfast for non-donors is only $6, kids under 12 eat free.
Improve your Flexibility & Balance and join Colleen's Chair Yoga Flow Class
Gentle Yoga Designed for Adults Over 60. Enhance flexibility, circulation, mental clarity, and balance. Enjoy seated and standing yoga poses designed for increased well-being. Certified instructor Colleen customizes movements to suit your specific needs. Classes available every Tuesday & Wednesday at 10:30am in the Banquet Room (days may vary per month). Rate is $10 per person per class. Please contact Colleen Ussia at or call 585-738-5111 if interested. REGISTRATION REQUIRED.
Please consider taking time to adore Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM, every Friday, the Eucharist is exposed in the Mary Chapel at the rear of the church. At 12:00 PM, Fr. Tom will have Benediction. There are many graces that come from adoring Jesus as our Bread of Life. Please stop in to pray and/or do spiritual reading. There are signup sheets as well to the Church Bulletins if you are interested in making a weekly commitment.
The next CCW Meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 10 at 11:00AM in the St. Brendan Church Banquet Room (after the Stations of the Cross Through the Eyes of Mary at 10:00AM in the Church). The CCW welcomes women of the parish and meets on the 1st Monday of the month (Sept. - May) at 11:00AM in the Banquet Room. Check the bulletin for their Service Projects and Special Events! Consider joining this great group of women! Call the Parish Office at 386-441-1505 for more information.
The Grandparents Prayer is held the 3rd Saturday of the month after the 4:00PM Mass in the Chapel.
Catholic Appeal 2025 is underway. Our Parish Goal this year is $160,578. Thanks to the generosity of our parishioners, we exceed our goal each year. We are grateful for your support once again this year. Please see future bulletins to see how your gift supports your parish and the many worthwhile ministries of the Diocese of Orlando! Thank you!
St. Brendan Church Annual Italian Night: Saturday, Feb. 15, 2025.
St. Brendan's Outreach Ministry accepts Food Donations in the Church Narthex at all weekend masses all through the year. Special collections are held at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. Monetary donations are also accepted. Special drop-off times are available by contacting the Parish Office at 386-441-1505.
The Knights of Columbus always welcomes new members! For more information, please contact the Parish Office at 386-441-1505.
Adult Choir
Do you have a good singing voice? Can you follow a choral score?
Could you prayerfully consider giving of your time and talents to sing in the 11 A.M. Adult Choir?
This is open to Teens as well as adults. We rehearse on Wednesdays from 5:30- 7 p.m. in the Church Choir loft.
The Choral music is drawn from a wide variety of genres and is chosen according to the Liturgical Season and Sunday readings.
Our hope is that it will enhance each mass and inspire us all to come closer to God in prayer and in song.
We will begin working on some beautiful Christmas music next week. This is the best time to join!
Please contact Elizabeth Jennings at 407-461-7510, or to sign up, or just to find out more about being a part of the Music Ministry at St. Brendan’s Church.
Parish Children’s Choir
Our Parish Children’s Choir sang their first mass at 9:30 a.m. on Sept. 22 with great success!
There is still room in the choir loft for more singers! This week we are also beginning to learn all our special Christmas Music so there is no better time to join!
Rehearsals are Wednesdays from 2:30-3:30 p.m. in the Church.
Please contact Elizabeth Jennings at 407-461-7510, or to
sign up your child, or just to find out more about it.
St. Brendan offers a safe place for the bereaved to share their experiences with others, learn about the process of grief and receive emotional and spiritual support. The group is open to all parish members as well as the general public. The Bereavement Group meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 9:30AM in the Music Center, Room 7. If you would like more details, please contact the Parish Office at 386-441-1505.
Are you caring for someone who is sick or disabled or terminally ill? Please consider joining our support group so that you can get emotional and spiritual support as well as friendly advice. The group is open to all parish members as well as the general public. The group meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 9:30AM to 11:00AM in the Music Center, Room 7. All are welcome! No need to call in advance. If you are interested in joining this group, please call the Parish Office at 386-441-1505 for more information.
The Weekly Rosary Cenacle meets at 6:45PM every Thursday with Deacon Bill and Karen at their home. Please call the Parish Office at 386-441-1505 for more details. All are Welcome!