Ministry to the Sick and HomeboundA minister to the sick and shut-ins offers services to those people who are hospitalized, in nursing homes, or confined to private homes. The purpose of this ministry is to provide the sick or shut-ins with an experience of the care and concern of their faith community and to provide an opportunity to pray with other, receive the Eucharist, and to experience the love of Christ. Training is provided by the Diocesan Lay Ministry Office and by the parish coordinator. |
Bereavement MinistryAt the time of death, families are contacted by a parish representative to assist in the planning of the Funeral Mass and related matters. The loss of a loved one is often overwhelming. You need not struggle with your grief alone. A six session program is offered twice yearly offering prayer, discussion, and informative material to individuals dealing with loss of loved ones. Additionally, a support group meets monthly providing a setting where one can receive continuing encouragement, information, and assistance to those transitioning through the grieving process. Discover Christ accompanies those mourning through this painful period. For more information about the Bereavement Ministry, please contact: |
Prison MinistryOur Prison Ministry team is primarily focused on support to the incredibly successful Horizon Faith Based and Character Based programs at the Tomoka Correctional Institute on International Speedway Boulevard in our community. We support the program in four dormitories (totals about 300 inmates). We don’t “teach”; we don’t “preach”…we listen and participate in group discussions (lead by inmate peer facilitators)…a values-based transformation of inmates preparing them to live responsibly with others both in and after prison.
Religious Articles StoreThis shop, located in the main vestibule the church, carries a wide variety of gifts appropriate for worship and for seasonal and sacramental occasions.
Knights of Columbus – Father Eamonn Gill Council 13018As part of the largest Catholic fraternal organization of the world Council 13018 performs various social services for a parish raises money for our favorite charities and organizes family activities for our members. The Knights meet on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM and our social meeting is the held on the forth Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM. All catholic men over 18 are invited to join.
St. Brendan’s Council of Catholic WomenThe women’s club is a service and social organization for all women of the parish. Its purpose is to promote community among the women of the parish and to support its ongoing needs through outreach programs.
Welcome MinistryThe Welcome Ministry is dedicated to ensuring that all newly registered parishioners to St. Brendan Parish feel welcome to our parish community and are fully aware of all our wonderful community has to offer. We provide all newly registered parishioners with a Welcome Booklet containing pertinent information about our parish and community as well as answer any questions they may have. In addition, we organize and host welcome receptions throughout the year for all newly registered, as well as, perspective parishioners.
Altar GuildAs Martha waited on Jesus and prepared the home for His visit, so do these dedicated people maintain the cleanliness of God’s House. Quietly, they gather to clean and organize. Tuesdays and Thursdays after morning Mass, they clean the church and prepare it for our parishioners and visitors.
Please call the Parish Office if you are interested in more information on these ministries.